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An intimate and unexpected encounter.


A poetic and liberating spectacle that carries us away in its sweetness, its madness and its generosity. A production that secretly speaks to us about this other one within us, often taboo.​ ​


One Woman Show  

 Duration 20 to 40 minutes ​

Minimum age: All audiences.

Style: Dance Theater Performance.


The Other : strange(r) - which is other, which is strange(r).


When we were children, we loved playing, dressing up, inventing fantastic characters and adventures. When did we stop playing, daring and venturing? An ode to our spontaneity. A quest for identity and freedom. A dance journey that questions the seriousness of our games.

A character with many faces who carries us away with his sweetness, his madness and his generosity in a sincere and unbridled dance.

An Unexpected Encounter

Other - def Which is not the same. Who is different from what he was. ​


A performance that speaks to us about the intimate, our roles played, our masks , conscious or  unconscious, taught or chosen. A multi-character one-on-one in which the dancer sublimates the emotions that invade her in a disconcerting vulnerability. ​ Shy, stubborn, naive, clownish, sad, joyful, difficult to categorize this young woman, however realistic and lucid, under her captivating character. 


Marion embodies a character who discovers herself beyond her own disillusionments and when shall we say. ​ An encounter that brings artist and spectator closer together in an astonishing and inevitable complicity: a meeting with this other within us, often hidden, secret or taboo.

A piece that tells us about the faces that we embody or that we hide, of the different characters that live within us.

Note of Intent

A quest for identity. An identity? Identities?

A performance that addresses a theme that is both universal and personal, that of the difficult process of individuation. The Other or the exploration of an I and a plurality, of the multiple facets of our personality. ​


An intimate space.

A piece in which the dancer lays bare the need to be loved and its inherent fragility. Between innocence and confidence, it is in an insolent vulnerability that she finds a forgotten freedom. A staging where the act of representation itself sublimates this invisible and unpredictable place, between actor and spectator, an instant, a look beyond of the intellect and spoken language. ​


A cathartic performance

hat dares the unexpected of movement and the exaltation of feelings. Faced with an inner chaos that we try as best we can to hide, with doubts, with nonsense, the beginning of a response through an exuberant thirst and joy of living.

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